#1)Elian Gonzalez is now a member of the young Communist Union, pledging loyalty to Fidel and his brother.
Dennis Prager made a good point on his syndicated radio show today, namely, if this had happened during the late 1930's or 40's when Hitler was raising up young Germans into the Nazi youth organization, would the United States Justice Department have duplicated Janet Reno's violent seizure of a six year old, only to send him to a father who was a Nazi?
Great job Clinton administration! Elian's mother loses her life trying to rescue her son from a totalitarian regime and the very country to which she was fleeing in an attempt to give him a shot at liberty, turns around and sends him back to a father steeped in Fidel's oppressive brain-washing.
I hope you are all proud of your absurd actions now! God Bless Elean's mother who gave up her life for her son, she is the hero, the saint...the rest of you, God knows. "And whoever causes one of these little ones, who believes, to stumble, it would be better for him, if with a heavy millstone placed around his neck, he were cast out to sea."
Of course, to the Left, communism is not so bad. I agree with Dennis here, I don't think we would have done the same for a child whose mother lost her life trying to escape Hitler's fascism.
#2) All the while the Left is screaming about losing civil liberties accusing the Bush Administration of illegal wire tapping, retaining terrorists without due process, etc., the truth, and irony is, that it is the Left which is moving through the liberal courts to strip Americans of their freedoms.
Their "nanny society" moves every day to control our most mundane decisions, whether it's to smoke a cigarette, cigar or let our children play "dodge ball" on a school playground.
Just this week an elementary school in Portland, Oregon, banned the Pledge of Allegience from its end of the year assembly because it mentions God, and the Principle doesn't want to offend Muslims.
And, of course, the courts will decide if "gay marriage," abortion or habeas corpus is allowed for unlawful enemy combatants. Does anyone seriously think "the people" have any say over public policy anymore? Sorry, "the people" just are not sufficiently "enlightened." And, until they "wise up" the un-elected judges will set the rules.
Yes, Obama, and the Left he represents, are certainly for change...his change...will truly strip the rights of Americans. And, unfortunately, the public education system and the media are enabling these Leftists. Our children are not learning to love and protect the exceptional nation they have inherited, they are being brain washed in radicalism, whether it's the environmental "crises" or "baby has two mommies," reading material in the "media center."
As I volunteered one day in a middle school classroom, I heard the "English" teacher say to the kids, "yeah, that sucks." No, lady, what "sucks" in your vernacular, is your behavior in the classroom! The same day she belittled and mocked letters the class had received from the President of the United States, George Bush.
Parents, you have no control whatsoever, though your taxes support this beleaguered, politically corrupt institution; on the contrary, you have to go through bureaucratic hoops to give your child an aspirin during school hours, but in more and more public schools, your children can get information on birth control, even abortion, totally without your knowledge, not to mention your approval.
Yes, Obama, we're really looking forward to your "changes!"
President Trump of the 30 (and a Couple) Days
Photo Credit:
Clarice F
It’s been an exhausting four weeks for anyone watching the administration’s
effort to reshape, modernize, and clean up the fede...
21 hours ago
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