Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tea Party Day a Great Success/A Gathering Storm

As soon as I got home from work I turned on the TV and my laptop, in reverse order.

Of course, Fox News Channel was the only media outlet covering the cultural event of the day.  

I lived through the 60's protests, and, of course, the more recent leftest groups filled with paid rebels funded by the likes of Acorn and George Soros.  Never have I seen Americans rise up across this nation like happened today.

These were traditional, hard working, ordinary Americans; the umbrella under which they stood was the banner of freedom, personal responsibility, faith in God and love of everything this country has stood for since our founding.

Then I turned the channel to EWTN and watched some of the Installation Mass of the new Archbishop of New York, Timothy M. Dolan.  

A few minutes earlier, I had come across a piece on the web about Governor Paterson of New York, initiating the process to legalize gay marriage in the state.  The same article made the additional point that the new Archbishop, Timothy Dolan, had just made a comment today that he would actively oppose any attempt to legitimize gay marriage in New York.  

Governor Patterson happens to be one of the honored guests at tonights ecclesiastical installation.   The visual scene provided an interesting dichotomy.

While watching the Mass in the majesty of St. Patrick's Cathedral, framed by the ancient liturgical beauty of the ceremony, the camera spanned the congregation and there was Governor David Paterson and Mayor Bloomberg...politely clapping, revealing rather somber expressions.

An uneasy spiritual feeling crept over me;   two simultaneous pictures before my eyes; the masses of Americans preparing to democratically fight to bring back the America they have known and loved all their lives, the Catholic Church about to appoint a conservative pro-active Archbishop of New York, prepared to fight for the Church's stance on social issues on one side, and the Governor of New York, hoards of far left  Obama "kool aid" drinkers at his back, along with undeniably radical Administration appointees, on the other side; it was almost like waiting for the curtain to rise on some great Shakespearean tragedy.   

It had a medeival feel about it...there is a grave seriousness on both sides and the cultural differences could not be more antithetical.

The sides are gathering, everyone will eventually have to choose, I am lining up with the Tea Party folks.  May God Bless this country and give us wisdom.


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