The hubbub over Barack Obama's church along with its pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright is a highly illustrative example of the moral morass in which we find ourselves. This "reverend's" church, the Trinity United Church of Christ has nothing whatsoever to do with Christ!
Somehow we blaspheme the "god of tolerance" if we question the judgement and values of a man who for decades has supported a blatently anti-christian, anti semitic, anti-American, racist, marxist oriented community of people, who tout themselves as Christian, but are, in fact, its antithesis. At the same time, we are to expected to reject any politician who may belong to a golf club which is "men only," or to reject the Boy Scouts because they refuse to allow militant homosexuals from becoming scout leaders.
We are all familiar with Edmund Burke's admonition, "all that is necessary for evil to triumph, is that good men do nothing."
The fact that Barack Obama has not only been a member of this community for years, had his children baptised by Wright, called upon Wright to perform the sacrement of marriage for he and Michelle, sought his advise before entering the race for president, and employed his talents in his campaign, admitted he has been his spiritual advisor, etc, is the ONLY fact any of us need to know about Obama!
It is irrelavent what Obama says NOW about not agreeing with everything a "beloved uncle" might say, or, the fact that he objects to bigoted speech, the fact that he has sought out this "congregation" to be an integral part of his family's "sacramental" life for the last 20 years, illustrates he is a "wolf in sheeps clothing" whose lack of good judgement, inability to recognize and distance himself from such an anathema posing as Christian, demonstatres the true character of Obama and Michelle.
He should be finished in the Presidential race. But, our culture has been seduced by the god of "Tolerance," it is our idol, we have sacrificed all values to this imposter. Hence, the dribble coming at us from media "commentators," that it is only an attempt to impose "guilt by association," to link Barack to this wretched church. God help us!
This man, Jeremiah Wright, is a vile anti-Christian, a true "wolf in sheeps clothing!"
Barack and Michelle need to go back to square one, it has nothing to do with their race, it has everything to do with their character.
President Trump of the 30 (and a Couple) Days
Photo Credit:
Clarice F
It’s been an exhausting four weeks for anyone watching the administration’s
effort to reshape, modernize, and clean up the fede...
22 hours ago
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