The relativist "chickens are coming home to roost!"
The misguided and hate-filled "minister" of Obama's church, Jeremiah Wright, used this cliche, in a scurrilous attempt to blame America for a vicious attack on our homeland. It is a profane statement and illustrates an irrational fragmentation in human psychology. Jeremiah Wright needs help, on numerous levels, and has no business standing at a podium inculcating young impressionable minds.
The fact that an ivy league educated couple like the Obama's could credibly be members of such a "congregation," which is more accurately described as a "mob," is, on one hand, sobering, but even more disturbing, it is conclusive evidence, that the "zeitqeist" of our culture, ie., relativism, is catapulting us into the abyss.
Yes, the "chickens are coming home to roost," but they are not the "chickens" of the "blame America crowd;" they are the consequences of the libertine, dissolute culture, which daily chips away at the God given dignity of man, and, as C. S. Lewis predicted, will eventuate the very abolition of man.
Lewis makes a simple statement, which declares the truth unambiguously. One can no more invent a new "value" than one can invent a new primary color.
Oh, but wait, our culture is operating on a completely different set of principles, the enforced implementation of which, betrays our first principle, namely, that, of relativism! One can only demand adherence to a first principle if, in fact, there can be an absolute first principle. But never mind that little bit of illogic. Let's go on.
Moral equivalency must be enforced. There can be no exceptions. No one set of values is more praiseworthy than any other set of values. Our schools are doing a spectacular job of instilling this 20th century "idol." Let us note the "Lincolnesque" speech, (according to the media,)of our presidential candidate, Barack Obama. Jeremiah Wright's bigoted coomments are no different than the comments of Barack's own white grandmother. Ok. The ultimate blasphemy of moral equivalence, of which Chris Matthews, along with other media sycophants, are guilty, is the dishonorable attempt to compare Obama's speech of moral insipience, to the inspired thoughts of a truly great man, Abraham Lincoln!
There is no absolute "truth," no absolute "virtue." One never hears "right and wrong," one hears "context." What is most egregious about the granite slabs listing the Ten Commandments on public property? The grave atrocity, that must be demolished forthwith? Absolutes! It's that old "primary color", we have now "canonized" shades of gray! Get with it!
While listening to the moral failings of the new governor of New York, David Paterson, who seems to be reeling them off, pre-emptively, the prevailing opinion seems to be, how asute it is of him to air all this "dirty laundry," at the beginning of his term. Does David Paterson have any sense of shame? Do we, as a culture, supposedly raising our children to esteem the "Good," have any sense of shame? Of course not. It is all about "context" and "strategy!"
Yes, we have become a utilitarian culture. Does it "work" to advance my cause; if so, it is praiseworthy. It has become an "exemplar!"
Why are the Boy Scouts so despised and literally driven off public land? It is because they are swimming against the current, indoctrinating impressionable minds with dangerous ideas, honor, virtue, family, country, God, all of which require the discipline of selfless sacrifice.
Oh, yes, but the Boy Scouts discriminate, against what? The God of Tolerance! Homosexual troop leaders, for one. It is a "sin" to judge one behavior less optimal than another! No behavior is more reprehensible than another. Certainly if we can brutally destroy the unborn child, we can raise homosexuality to an alternative "lifestyle."
But, Obama has no problem inculcating his daughters with the hate spewed by the likes of Jeremiah Wright!
There are voices crying in the wilderness, here. Pope Benedict sounded a warning with his first speech after becoming Pope, about the culture of relativism. Truth will triumph, because God is Truth. But, it will require, what is becoming a mere remnant, to stand up and sacrifice for it.
From where can we draw strength?
I've been watching the John Adams series now showing on HBO. When I see Abigail Adams tirelessly nursing her 14 year old daughter through small pox, while taking care of 3 other children, all alone, while her husband is away for years, nursing the newly born liberty of a nation; when I see John Adams, his first son, by his side, perrilously crossing the Atlantic, retching for days in sea sickness, fighting for their lives against an intercepting British Navy vessel, in a desparate attempt to reach France. When I see George Washington, his troops ravaged by small pox, honorably fighting the British in bare feet, succumbing to frost bite, disease and death, hoping for a miracle, giving the "last full measure for it, I shutter and tremble.
I ask myself, why? What kept them going? What brought the impossible to fruition? How, in the name of God, did America triumph?
These brave souls brought forth our nation in "hard labor, sacrificing every ounce of blood and life they could ring out of their own flesh and bone, relentlessly pushing on through despair and the black night of doubt, fear and anxiety. They didn't "talk" about virtue, honor, truth, they actuated it.
This is the same "truth" we so blithely dismiss.
There are no new "primary colors." No, not G...D..., America. God Bless America. God save America!
President Trump of the 30 (and a Couple) Days
Photo Credit:
Clarice F
It’s been an exhausting four weeks for anyone watching the administration’s
effort to reshape, modernize, and clean up the fede...
22 hours ago
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