Sunday, March 29, 2009

Dear Father Jenkins/What is blasphemy?

(I sent the following letter to the President of Notre Dame. The fact that a Catholic university could manifest such grave moral confusion in regard to the one intrinsic evil which is the very substance of Christianity, only highlights the inherent dangers of succumbing to "the relativism of our times.")

Fr. Jenkins:
You are in grave error in your rationalization concerning Obama's invitation. It is an act of blasphemy on a par with the Israelites "golden calf." Why? Christ said, "I AM the way, the truth & the life;" Life, Being Itself, is our God, a communion of personhood, a divine relationship; love is only possible within the context of being, life. As a catholic university, you are His disciple. Yet, by honoring an individual, no matter his secular office, king or pauper, you are highlighting and lauding someone who pro-actively fights for the very antithesis of God, whose actions in the Illinois State Legislature were a mortal sin, justifying infanticide through his argument and vote. This is a grave matter for the university, for your soul and for our country as a whole. It is not the equivalent of inviting him for a debate or even to express his opinion in honest intellectual repartee. He has proven through his actions, which are anything but honest, to represent a direct assault on Life..."I AM." Your letter only illustrates a grave confusion between what is an "intrinsic evil" as opposed to views and arguments on resolving various ethical and political issues which are open to compromise and disagreement. "Life" is our God. Do not choose to dance around the golden calf; it is not the Holy Spirit here, it is the antithesis propelling the university in this action. Please do not grieve the heart of our Savior. To honor a secular official whose highest priority, demonstrated by his very first actions in office, are to commit sacrilege and blasphemy against the womb by militantly supporting murder of the innocent there, is spiritually catastrophic. In Christ, Sue Langstaff

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