Monday, March 30, 2009

Thomas Sowell/A mind of easy discernment

Thomas Sowell is one of those people who does not become confused and even momentarily lured off the course of truth by conventional wisdom.  He has another article today about our "Rookie President," which is right on target.

Read it here...

I watched the Disney movie, Pinocchio, with my grandson this weekend.  Boy, was he glad to see that whale, finally sneeze!

It reminded me of how easy it is to become enticed with that which takes us off the course of truth, just as little Pinocchio was lured by the shiny bauble, following it to near disaster.  

There are others in the media who fall prey to the conventional thought "kool aid" of the day and then as often as not stumble back to the original truth, in time.  Many conservatives serve as examples of this, like Bill O'Reilly, who remains so impressed by Obama's style, on many subjects he just can't pick out the truth and highlight it; look also at people like Peggy Noonan, who wrote speeches for another man who could easily discern the truth with his gut, Ronald Reagan; she has been a disaster...whether it's Washington elitism or just confusion of thought, she has been ensnared by Obama's "style."

It's not difficult to see how people such as Hitler came to have such power and why "discernment" is so fundamental, especially in times like these.  Even within the walls of the church one is confronted with this secular relativism, like the catholic church, in its refusal to face the ethical repercussions of its own illegal alien policy. or, for example, many evangelicals who have rationalized the core "life" issue, justifying a vote for Obama on such flimsy grounds as environmentalism or social justice concerns, equating these with the Ontological truth of the Trinity.

I think Rush Limbaugh is pretty good at staying focused as well, evidenced by today's video of his show, where he discusses Obama's inner anger, a major psychological motivator of his behavior.  Don't think there's not a strong element of Rev. Wright in Obama and Michelle.

Sometimes I wish we could just look for growing mule ears or tails or noses on these media types!  Instead we have to exercise our God given rational faculty, and humbly seek the truth in love.  "Seek and ye shall find," the "Pure in Heart will see God," "Where your heart is, there will  you treasure be..."

God help us to stay on the path of truth, not to be lured away by smooth rhetoric or externals.  Where we find truth, let us cling to it, for its sake alone; always at the ready to depart from that which is not truth, no matter the comfort of the context in which it is presented.  Let "truth" and truth alone be my master; teach me, like Michaelangelo sculpted, to chaff away the dross in every circumstance, and reveal the living everlasting Truth.

Pinocchio has some important moral lessons...time with my grandchildren is never wasted time.

God Bless our children!  

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